Episode #01 – 5 Lessons Learned Over The Years

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In the first episode of Sales Enabled, Dan Storey shares his experience and 5 of the top lessons he has learned over his years in sales training and enablement. 

With over 15 years experience in training salespeople, Dan’s goal for Sales Enabled is to do 3 things:

  1. Make salespeople better at their job today. Sales will always be one of the toughest jobs, constantly chasing numbers and working to deadlines, only to have to start again each month or quarter. Anything we can do to make salespeople’s lives easier should hopefully make the roller coaster a little less bumpy to deal with.
  2. Help keep the art of selling and persuasion alive as everything turns to tech. With a new sales tech platform being released each day it seems, we are at risk of losing the ability to persuade and influence people. Let’s keep the art alive, and only enhance it with tech, not replace it.
  3. Generally improve the sales and buying process for everyone involved. Until Amazon figures out how to sell everything on the plant, the seller/buyer dynamic will continue. Rather than resist it, let’s make it better for all involved, help buyers make better decisions and salespeople proud to call themselves salespeople.

In this episode, Dan Storey looks back at his 15 years experience and shares some of the key lessons he has learned in that time, some of the embarrassing things he used to say in every training session, and how his view on training focuses more on the mindset and psychology than many other trainers. 

Dan Storey
Dan Storey is the author of Next Level Persuasion. Having trained thousands of salespeople across the world in NLP and Persuasion, Dan is experienced at bringing the essential tools and techniques from neuro-linguistic programming and psychology and teaching them in a business context that can be immediately applied in a sales context. Dan also regularly contributes to his personal blog at DanStorey.com and also recently completed his MSc in Behavioural Psychology to gain even more insight into how we make decisions and can be influenced.